
Our Planning Division breaks from the traditional relationship between urban planning and design/engineering; we approach land development planning and municipal planning from an real estate economic viewpoint. With this fresh perspective, it is our goal to bring a more sophisticated approach to urban planning and real estate development, leveraging the fundamental role of economics in shaping our communities.

For our clients in the private sector, this means creating a holistic understanding of your urban planning development options, and helping you bring a planning development proposal forward that successfully meets the demands of both the real estate market and municipal planning objectives.

For the public planning sector, this means understanding and accounting for the costs of real estate development; capital, operating, and most importantly, opportunity. Local government utilises municipal planning to administer the limited resources of tax revenue and development demand. Managing both wisely through the urban planning process, is imperative to the sustainability of our communities.

Give us a call if you are interested in discussing how our real estate expertise can be incorporated into your next urban planning exercise.


We believe that our clients should know what our planning services will cost before we commence the urban planning assignment … there should be no surprises! We therefore enter into a written contract which clearly specifies the scope and the cost of the work.

Planning Division Services

We offer the following Planning services:

  • Planning Policy & Regulatory Review – we describe the subject site and summarize the current urban planning development controls. Our planning review provides a clear and concise accounting of what can be done with the property, what will be required to receive municipal planning approval, and what risks are involved in the municipal planning approval process.
  • Development Analysis – we explore one or more real estate development scenarios to examine the business case for property development. This analysis supports strategic decision making and helps property developers move forward with the right project at the right time.
  • Development Approvals – we act on your behalf to take your real estate development project through the municipal urban planning approval process. We can work as part of your existing real estate development team, or engage our own sub consultants as necessary thus ensuring that you avoid unnecessary expense.
  • Cost Benefit Analysis – we examine the costs and revenues generated by various real estate development proposals submitted to the municipality’s urban planning department to determine their net present value (NPV) impact on the municipality’s budget.
  • Municipal Background Studies – we provide economic base analysis to inform and support the municipal urban planning process. By acquiring, analyzing and reporting on supply and demand trends in socio-economic and real estate data we provide an understanding of the historical, present day, and future implications to serve as a crucial step in fostering knowledgeable community discussion and effective policy development.
  • Other Services – We’re always interested in discussing how our expertise in development economics and real estate market analysis can enhance your planning process. Interested in bringing an eye for economics into your next project? Give us a call. 

Click here to order, or to obtain a price quote, on any of the above Planning Division products.

Click here to review actual Planning Division case studies.

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